How could you help ?

Citizen science has a major role in the research we do and scientists would not be able to study large ranging animals such as the Martial Eagle without it. Scientists cannot be in a million places at once and so we need you to be our eyes! Please report any sightings of nests on power lines. These nests can usually be seen from the road, so have a look the next time you go on a long journey.We are specifically looking for nest locations on the power lines as well as nests in trees (both alien and exotic) in close proximity to the power transmission network. Please report the GPS location and take a photo if you can of the nest that you have found. If you have binoculars or a scope you can maybe see if an eagle is in the nest. Please report your sightings but always maintain a safe distance from the nest so that you do not disturb breeding eagles. Report your sightings to us directly at We are trying to get the Marital Eagle on the special watch program with the South African Bird Atlas Project.

The project is currently being funded by 4 sponsors only cover 1% of its estimated budget. So much more could be achieved if more of the budget requirements could be realised. Please visit the Microryza crowd source funding page where you can donate towards the project.

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